Investor Relations Consultant, Entrepreneur and Investor, International Speaker, Trainer

Daniela Serban is a financial communications and IR professional with over 17 years of experience in the capital markets, consulting and media. She currently manages a community of listed companies – ARIR and VERTIK Group, which includes a consulting firm, a think tank and an investment vehicle.

Communicate, develop and get involved

Investor relations advisory services

Daniela Serban offers investor relations consulting services based on effective communication, diversified experience and active involvement. Whether you want to present your business in a professional and attractive way, improve your transparency and corporate governance or join the community of listed companies and women entrepreneurs supported by Daniela, she is the ideal partner for you.


Effective communication

Practical and personalised advice to improve communication with investors and increase company value


Diversified experience

Extensive and diversified investor relations experience from both a listed company and investor perspective


Active involvement

Active involvement in the development of the Romanian capital market and support for female entrepreneurship through mentoring and investment

Communicate effectively with investors

Through their tailored services, Daniela Șerban and her team help companies eliminate listing difficulties, improve relationships with existing investors and strengthen their position in the capital market.